22 July 2012



What are computer parts?
Here's the answer.
Computer content of many parts.That is input and output parts.
The input parts are Keyboard,mouse,scanner,DVD writter.
The output parts are Monitor,speaker,printer etc.

But there are some parts that work both as input as well as output source that is Hard drive,flash drive,DVDs/CDs.

Hard drive can take Data (input) so as to store and also it provides data (output)so as to proceed.
Pen-drive does the same work as hard drive do it provides data (output) to the computer to proceed and also stores the data (input).

There is also processing units known as Computer CPU.
The CPU works in two ways,it take the input sent by the input device and gives the output to the output device.
In between CPU,Output device,and input device there is and temporary media known as RAM which stands for or is a short form of Random access memory.
It stores data temporarily.
The motherboard is the part which Connects All part to make a computer run.on motherboard there are CPU,hard drive,RAM,DVD writer,PSU or SMPS,Graphic card,Tv tunner card,Audio card,also Keyboard,mouse,speaker,Headphones are attached to it.

The computer parts are:- 
Keyboard,mouse,Hard drive,optical drive known as DVDs/CDs,flash drive,Cabinet in which all parts are assembled,CPU also called as brain of computer,printer,scanner,DVD writer,RAM (Random access memory),Also a modem or router,TV tunner card,Graphic card,Audio card,PSU or SMPS(It is a power supply unit),Motherboard.

Also there are Software uses for some special task.
So the question is how this works?
So here's another answer.

First the User uses input device to give command to the computer.
The word from the keyboard is first get stored into the RAM, then it proceed to the CPU were this temporary data from RAM gets stored in Cached memory, then this data from cache goes to CPU where the CPU categorizes the type of data. The CPU works in 2 ways that is ALU which is a shot form of Arithmetic logic unit.
The arithmetic is used for mathematical problems, numbers.
And the logic unit is used for language, grammatical, letters, etc purpose
After the CPU categorizes this input, the CPU solves/understand  the problem and give back to RAM from there the processed data get into output device.
The CPU or computer does not understands the simple languages like alphabets or like numbers, the computer first use to convert it into binary coding that contains only 1 or 0 as a processing codes.
If user wants to take his/her data on a DVD/CD disk then he needs to use a DVD writer. Which write on a CD/DVD using leaser.
Although it is not simple to study about computer as there are infinite problems occurring day by day but its better to understand the basics.
Please remember to protect your computer from viruses.

thank you :)

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