13 April 2012


lets talk about computer slowing problem.

Causes:- basically computer slow down due to storage of temporary file,error files,installed or uninstalled software's files etc.
there are many Reason  associated with it.

if u instal or uninstall any software or driver it requires some other information for this purpose.and this information is stored in RAM (random access memory as it randomly access memory form various area of computer). whenever pc is shut down RAM automatically deletes all stored files.
if you're trying to run any software,games etc if some error report comes and program doesn't works,then this error reports are stored in that RAM but not deleted so as you keep information about problem and report it to the computer.

also some cache from internet and different website's temporary files are stored in this rams and also in computer to protect computer from malware while giving you information about it etc.

there are many reason.

how to fix it:-1) go to START MENU then go to ACCESSORIES then  go to SYSTEM TOOLS
                           click on DISC CLEAN UP.
                           run it and select all files and delete it.

2) use C-CLEAN or REG CURE to clean you registry.this is the free software and much effective for Indians as well.

3) use legal antivirus or anti-malware.download and bye it install it and scan your whole computer.

4) use  DERANGEMENTER. go to START MENU then go to ACCESSORIES then  go to SYSTEM TOOLS.
run it and speed your computer.

thank you :)

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