30 June 2012


Are you tied to navigate from desktop to your application to run it?
Here a simple way to run any application without long navigation just follow the step below:

  • Right-click on any application/program.
  • Select properties.
  • There is a block of Shortcut key.
  • In that enter the combination of keys.
  • Click apply and then hit OK.
NOTE:- Shortcut key should be unique like your email ID.This works in windows XP,vista, and also in windows 8.

thank you :) 


1) You open notepad.

2) now you writ:

3) Now save it as a .inf file.

4) The "Setup_filename.EXE" must be replaced with the name of the setup file. And you also need to remember that it is not all of the setup files there are called '.exe but some are called .msi.

5) Burn your CD with the autorun .inf file included.

6) Now set the CD in you CD drive and wait for the autorun to begin.

thank you :)


Here is a funny tip which work for windows XP,vista,7, and also for windows 8.
  • Create a new folder somewhere on your hard drive.
  • When you name it hold down "Alt" and press "0160" this will create and invisible space so it will appear as if it has no name.
  • Then right click in and select "Properties" select the tab "customize" and select "change icon".
  •  Scroll along and you should a few blank spaces (the blank space is fully white in color) click on it and click OK when you have saved the settings the folder will be invisible to hide all your personal files.
NOTE:- win windows 8,7,vista may be in XP when you click on blank space on an opened windows and from VIEW  if you select list then this will work fine but in other views it will not.use this trick and make other fools.

thank you :)

29 June 2012


  • Go to the windows live ID page click here to go and registry.
  • Enter you email as the email address.
  • Fill all the other blanks and continue the registration.
  • Go to your account and verify the registration and know sign in with MSN.

 This works like Nimbuzz.simple to do and use.

thank you :)


Windows Explorer caches DLLs (Dynamic-Link Libraries) in memory for a period of time after the application an using them has been closed. Which in some cases can be an waste of memory. To stop Windows from always caching these DLL files follow the small steps below:-
  • Create the new registry key below.

  • Open up the Registry and navigate to :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer
  • Create a new sub-key or string value named 'AlwaysUnloadDLL' and set the default value to equal '1' to disable Windows caching the DLL in memory.
  •  Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
NOTE:- As this blog say everytime  that before editing any registry file(s) BACKUP first.

thank you :)


To increase the number of simultaneous connections that are allowed, follow these steps:

1. Start the Registry Editor.
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Internet Settings.
3. Select New > DWORD Value from the Edit menu.
4. Name the new value MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server.
5. Right-click the MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server value and choose Modify.
6. Under Base, click Decimal.
7. In the Value Data box enter the number of simultaneous connections you want to set 10 is a good value.
8. click OK.
9. Repeat steps 3 to 7 using the new value MaxConnectionsPerServer.
10. Exit the registry editor

NOTE:- This trick works for internet explorer and also for Mozilla firefox in windows XP,7,vista and also for windows 8.

thank you :) a


If your computer hasn't crashed yet, it will in the future.

1) BACK-UP.For back up you can use a CD/DVD or you can safe your backup in external hard drive or storage media.
2) Keep your computer free from viruses. Use an antivirus, an anti-spy, and a firewall. Keep them updated.
3) Don't install software that would do dangerous things to your hard drive. A boot manager would fall in this category.
4) Use a registry cleaner before and after you install or uninstall any software. Many of the problems that will keep Windows from booting are caused registry problems.here are some registry cleaner very effective:-
CCLEANER:- www.piriform.com/CCLEANER.
REGCURE:- www.regcure.com.
REGISTRY REPAIR:- www.glarysoft.com/products/utilities/registry-repair
5) Run chkdsk every week. Go to Start> Run. Type chkdsk /F. Press enter.

In case your PC has already crashed, read the following:-

To be exact you can still recover your data if you format your drive by using special software, but only if you don't write anything on the disc afterwards. In other words format + windows install = bad idea. If you reinstall windows without formating your drive, you will only lose the files on your desktop and "My Documents" folder.
In all occasions you should make sure to safeguard your files before attempting any kind of repair.
So let's go about how to do that:

Use Knoppix is a Linux distribution than runs from a CD. Download the Knoppix ISO and burn it. Put it in your CD drive. On startup access BIOS and change the boot sequence so that your computer boots from the CD drive. Save settings and exit. Upon reboot, Knoppix will load.

Knoppix is much like windows and it comes with its own CD burner. Locate it, launch it and backup everything you want on CD. Now you don't have to worry anymore.
The less fast way:- This requires that you have access to a second PC. Open the case of your computer and remove the hard disk.
Install it as a slave on the second PC.
Depending on respective configurations, you may have to change some jumper settings on the drive. Read the manual for help with installing hard drives and setting jumpers.
After this is done, boot the second PC. If everything went out ok, you should be able to access your drive without problems.
Copy everything you need from your own hard drive to the other one.
Replace your computer's hard disk, fix all problems and reverse the process to copy the data back to your computer, or take CD backups on the other PC.

thank you :)


1)You need Resource Hacker click here to download

2) Unzip the archive, and run ResHacker.exe.

3) Go to the menu File Open. Browse your way to the file you would like to edit. You can edit .exe, .dll, .ocx, .scr and .cpl files.

4) In the left side of the screen a list of sections will appear.
The most common sections are
-String table;
-Cursor group;

  • Icon: You can view and change the icon(s) of the program by double-clicking the icon section,chossing the icon, right-clicking on it an pressing "replace resource". After that you can choose the icon you want to replace the original with.
  • String table: a bunch of crap, useful sometimes, basic programming knowladge needed.
  • RCData: Here the real hacking begins. Modify window titles, buttons, text, and lots more!
  • Dialog:Here you can modify the messages or dialogs that appear in a program. Don't forget to press "Compile" when you're done!
  • Cursor group: Change the mouse cursors used in the program just like you would change the icon.
  • Bitmap: View or change images in the programs easy!
  • WAV:Change the sounds in the program.with your own.

5) In the RCData,Dialog,Menu and String table sections you can do a lot of changes. You can modify or translate the text change links, change buttons, etc.

  1. To change a window title, search for something like: CAPTION "edit this".
  2. After all operations press the "Compile Script" button, and when you're done editing save, your work Save as.
  3. When you save a file,the original file will be backed up by default and renamed to Name_original and the saved file will have the normal name of the changed prog.
  4. Sometimes you may get a message like: "This program has a non-standard resource layout... it has probably been compressed with an .EXE compressor." That means that Resource Hacker can't modify it because of it's structure.
NOTE:- This cannot explain you in deep but it let you know some basics for full tutorial click here.

thank you :)

26 June 2012


In Internet Explorer:-
Click "Tools".
Then "Internet Options".
The in the "connections" Tab.
Click the "LAN Setup" Button in the bottom.
There is a "Proxy Servers", tick the "Use a proxy....." and then enter the proxy in the bigger text-box and the port  in the smaller text-box.
Hit ok, and then go to
to see if the proxy is now your IP.

Click "Files"
Then "Preferences"
Then "Network"
Then click the button "Proxy Servers"
Tick "HTTP"
Fill in with the proxy port
Click ok and check with
In Firefox:-

Tools > Options
Then click the Advance Icon
Then the "Connection Settings..." button
Then click the "manually configure proxies" radio button, and enter the proxy address and port in the HTTP Proxy area.
Don't forget to check with

thank you :)


Many home user and family members fight for your computer so as to do works and for entertainment.
Many time user search on net how to set user time period.and they fall under useless softwares.
But its easy to do without softwares.
Click on Start>run> type cmd.

Below are some examples:

1 - net user Joanna /time:M-F,08:00-17:00

2 - net user Ninja /time:M-F,8am-5pm

3 - net user Echelon /time:M,4am-5pm;T,1pm-3pm;W-F,8:00-17:00

4 - net user Shine /time:all (this one means this user can always log on)

NOTE:- The capital letters after "time" indicates days like M stands for Monday,T stands for Tuesday and so on.
and the digits stands for time periods.
You can only restrict when a user can log on to the system. On a stand alone computer, there is no way to force a user to log off when their hours expire, without a third party script or software.

thank you :)


Follow the step as shown.
  • Click on Start>Run>Regedit

  • Registry Key: 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ Toolbar
  • Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.

Data Type: REG_SZ [String Value] // Value Name:


Value Data: [Set the String Value to a blank string]

  • Open Internet Explorer and manually delete the Links folder from Favorites Menu. 

NOTE:- The Links folder will not be recreated. Exit Registry and Reboot.

thank you :)

23 June 2012


Tools needed:

1. Alcohol 120%
2. UltraISO
3. Operating system.
3. Small piece of cotton.
4. Dry cleaner paper.
5. oil and water/toothpaste

Preparing the CD:-

Get the cotton and drop of water/toothpaste , start cleaning vertically the surface of CD.
Do it 3 times and dry the water/toothpaste with a piece of dry cleaner paper. With a new piece
of cotton, drop some oil and start to wet the surface like you are
washing the CD with the oil. Dry carefully now. Some particles of oil will stay on the
micro-surface of the scratch. It's okay. Seems the oil helps the laser of the CD/DVD driver
to read the surface again. Sure this will work with small unreadable scratches - some hard
scratches loose parts of the surface of the CD where we have data and it's lost forever.
But if it is loosed try anyway. With this tip 80% of the small scratched CD's could be

Testing the CD:-

With Alcohol 120% make an ISO - image making wizard - and lets see if the app can
read the loosed surface. In my case Alcohol 120% had recovered 60% of the data.
This is not enough. Have tried other apps, they do not recover all the data. But the
CD/DVD driver laser CAN recover all data in this case.if you find you useful data quickly copy it and burn it onto new CD/DVD.

NOTE:- If you are using water in place of toothpaste please use oil.
and if you are using toothpaste DO NOT USE OIL.this method will not recover all data but it helps you in getting maximum data.

thank you :)

18 June 2012


Portable Windows CE is a 'launcher' for the Windows CE device emulator that can run an emulator-based image from a USB keychain.
  • Extract the emulator to a folder on your hard drive by running "setup /a" OR "setup.exe". The installer will prompt you to specify a directory to extract to . For example: D:\PortableCE.
  • Download this launcher script from here: http://www.furrygoat.com/Softwar/launchce.cmd.txt.
  • Copy the following launcher script to the directory you extracted the setup to. You'll need to rename the file from launchce.cmd.txt to launchce.cmd
  • Once you have that set up, just copy the entire D:\PortableCE folder over to your USB keychain.
  • To launch the emulator, just plug in your USB keychain, navigate to the PortableCE folder, and run launchce.cmd. You should have the emulator fire up.
NOTE:- like windows CE 5.0 you can also install Ubuntu  from USB dirve.installing and running Ubuntu from USB tutorial will be available soon.

thank you :)



1.) run your telnet program:
on windows , go to START > RUN > "TELNET".

2.) then connect some anonymous server , if don't have any then search for one
NOTE:- you should connect the server mail program (port "25")!
3.) Now , write the following :

Hi there [YOUR FRIEND'S NAME] , this is [NAME OF YOUR FRIEND'S ISP] support team , lately , our server had some problems with the connection and the user-password files were destroyed , a backup was then released , and it was ok.
but yesterday we found out that it is not an updated version of the file , so , it will start charging you for a larger amount of money for each our you use!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To correct the problem ,a special program to correct the error , all YOU have to do is email :
"[**YOUR'S FRIEND'S ISP NAME**]@GalaxyCorp.Com" and in the SUBJECT write your "user name" and "password".

4.) press enter twice and then write "."(without the "") and press ENTER.

Now , the places you saw ** say that maybe you didn't understood it all , So here's a simple example .

[**YOUR FRIEND'S ISP WEBMASTER**] - example , if your friend is connected througe AOL , then type "webmaster@aol.com" , get it?

[**YOUR FRIEND'S EMAIL ADRESS**] - example , if your friend's email is john@aol.com, then type "john@aol.com".

[YOUR FRIEND'S NAME] - if your friend is called "John" then type "John".

[NAME OF YOUR FRIEND'S ISP] - if your friend is connected through AOL(American Online) , then type "American - Online"

"[**YOUR'S FRIEND'S ISP NAME**]@GalaxyCorp.Com" - this is the hard-part , but if you are reading this , then don't worry , you're one step from the end! ..

  • launch your browser and type "HTTP://www.galaxycorp.com".
  • Sign there for an account , now , when they ask you what username you want, then try the closest thing to your ISP name(ex - if your friend is connected thourgh American Online[AOL] then try "aol" or "a_o_l" or "american_online")
  • And when they ask for your email , type your Real one.
  • Now continue in your normal life , and remember to read your email.
NOTE:- I don't know much about this,but it works for my friend.

thank you :)



This technique is really a newly powerful way of downloading movies games.
First of all u need to have a big mail box. here are the one which we can cover.

• Gmail (Google mail)
• Storage space - 1GB
• Maximum attachment size - 10MB

• Walla! mail
• Storage space - 1GB
• Maximum attachment size - 7MB

• Spymac Mail
• Storage space - 1GB
• Maximum attachment size - 10MB

• Omnilect Mail
• Storage space - 2GB
• Maximum attachment size - 7MB

Then download the software called peer to mail.
Configuring the software:-

go in settings > SMTP server setting and give an smtp adress that u know.

Here are some smtp serversFor
Gmail: smtp.gmail.com
Walla! mail: mail.walla2.com
Spymac Mail: mail.spymac.com

Once configured you don't need to touch it for the rest of your upload.This is a critical step, if you are experimenting any problem of connetion this is were you need to have a look:

This is possible that temporally your internet provider don't allow you to use other smtp adress than his. So use it
if you are experimenting any problem it is better to deactivate your antivirus (the scanning mail option).

1 - Click on Splint/Send File.
2 - Click on the icon (choose a file to send.....).
3 - select the archive that u want to upload it.
4 - type the address of your account (email).
5 - It determines the size of the parts that the archive will be divided ( take a look at the max size used by your mail).
6 - It determines the type of sending. "send via smtp server"
After all that, press OK.
press the send button on the top.

After all the parts have been sent,go to your account  and confirms, then you have to bring the Encrypted password follows.Always give the following information to the users:
follows the example below:
Email: GMail
Login: zezão
Password: |/kjds42d4sd24 \|

NOTE:-only Encrypted Password, never sends your true password
Be careful  never post your coordinates without having previously verified the content in the mailbox.
sometimes peer2mail tells you that everything is sent but It can happens that nothing is sent.

Downloading games,video etc using email:-
Open peer to mail.
Go to browse tab.
then take the coordinates of the film/game you want to download.

You noticed that the mail used is walla.com
so go to www.walla.com with the adress bar or with the prerecorded website

login with:
"dragon_mushu" & "<(/++EiJPy)>"

Go into the inbox.
After you've retrieve all the segment click on "download".
that's it.

NOTE: walla.com is an example of email,it may changes with users mail.

thank you :)


You'll need:-
Besweet GUI
DivX 5.2.1 Pro
Nandub 1.0RC2
Virtualdub that includes mp3 support.

First of all, run Nandub . It will pop up a dialogue box, and want to know if you are making a new project or resuming an old. New, of course. Give it a name and tell fair-use where you want it to store its data. Fairuse is about to rip the entire movie to your hard drive.
Then it will ask for your DVD drive with a dvd in it. give it. Then, select which video stream you want. This is usually pretty obvious as the movie stream is the one that is an hour or so long. If there are two of these, check out the other tags. which languages and so on. worst case scenario is that you have to trial and error. but that is rare. choose the long stream and hit next.

This is where Nandub rips everything to your hard drive. depending on the speed of various components in your computer, and the length of the movie, this could take a while. let it finish. and then move on.

Once all that is done, the really important screen pops up. this is where you set resolutions and video length. first, cut off the ending credits with the slider, but DO NOT mess with the beginning, as the sound and video frames need to start at the same point for sync. Then hit auto set for the cropping region, this is usually just fine. Then decide whether or not you want subtitles, which would be the subpicture stream. When you're done, hit next.

Set the field mode to IVTC (Inverse telecine). This will give you better quality for size, as it runs at 24 frames instead of 30, due to the nature of divx, there won't be any noticeable difference in quality, but 6 less frames to deal with each second really add up. Besides this is the correct mode for all movies anyway. hit Next.

This is where you set FINAL file size, including audio, for 1 cd rip, set to 690, for 2, set to double that. Then follow the directions they give you and choose a final resolution that has between a 120:1 and 150:1.if possible, sometimes the movie is compression ratio.now next.

This screen is where you determine quality. The auto-add button is useful, and will give you decent quality, with 4 encoding. What this does is encode the movie 4 times, and then mix the frames to create the final encoding, with the most efficient possible encoding for each frame. which is how we get bad quality for a single cd.
Then add the audio encoding that you want.
Hit next.
And let the bastard fly. Depending on what you set, and your computer, this could take from a few hours to a few days. CPU's of 1.2Ghz+ are nice right about here. You can do stuff while this is going on, but it makes things take much longer.

In the end you will have a bunch of encodings in the folder you specified at the beginning, the 4+ you choose and the final. You will also have an AC3 stream. Take the final AVI and those it someplace to await the rest of the audio work you have to do, and you can erase the other encoding, freeing up a few gigs in the process of space.

Ok, this is where Besweet comes in.
Extract BeSweet and the GUI into the same folder. Now Run the GUI.

At the top there are three fields. One for BeSweet which you should point at the besweet.exe that you should have unzipped to the same directory you are running the Gui from, A field for the AC3 stream, which is in the folder where you sent the encoded video from Fairuse, and an output mp3. The output mp3 has to be an existing file, so make a text file, rename it yourmovie.mp3 and make things weird. besweet will overwrite it so don't worry. point the third field at that file. The default values for stuff should be fine. but to make sure go to Azid 1(on the left) and select stereo, and then go to Lame 2 and select constant bit rate, and 128 assuming that is what you want. then click on besweet again, and finally, click on AC3 to MP3.Let the bastard fly.

Now. When its done you should have an mp3 that is the entire soundtrack for the movie. This is where virtualdub comes in. run the virtualdub mp3 version. go to File:open video file and select the final encoding that you had from way back. Then go to audio and select mp3 audio. it will ask you for the file, give it the mp3. Go to audio again and make sure direct stream copy is selected. Then go to video and make sure that direct stream copy is also selected. Finally go to file again and SAVE AVI. give it a file name and let the bastard fly. This final file is your movie.

thank you :)

17 June 2012


Well The Picture and Fax Viewer, is one of these programs which can cause problems if removed incorrectly. This is for windows XP,vista,7 It can be disabled safely as follows:

Click Start>Run> type regedit and click OK

Navigate to :
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/ SystemFileAssociations/ image/ ShellEx/ ContextMenuHandlers

Then delete the Folder ShellImagePreview under ContextMenuHandlers

Note: If you want to restore the Picture and Fax Viewer :
Create the ShellImagePreview folder and create the String Value (Default)
Assign it the value {e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-cb260c236066}.
This tweak doesn't uninstall the program. It removes the association and therefore it cannot be run.

thank you :)


1. Connect the iPod to your PC. If iTunes starts syncing your music automatically, hit the X in the upper right hand corner of iTunes display, to the left of the search box, to stop it.

 2. In Control Panel, Portable Media Devices, double-click your iPod.

 3. Navigate to the Music folder.

 4. Select all the music folders, and drag and drop them into a folder on your hard drive, or directly into iTunes.

thank you :)


Sometimes when user visits some website,they are blocked.
Everyone thinks and ask how to bypass this website.So here's the solution.

Web proxy servers used to bypass filter on internet:-
Another one of the easier, yet effective methods include web based proxies. These are simple in the fact that you just enter the restricted address and surf! Some of these have some restrictions, like daily usage limits, etc but you can also use another proxy (perhaps one that sucks, like a text only) to bypass their restrictions as well. Here is a list of some:


Proxy Programs:-
There are many proxy programs that allow you to surf anonymously that are more or less based on the same topics we’ve covered here.


Making your own CGI (conman gateway interface ) proxy server:-

Making your own proxy server may come in handy, but I personally find that simply uploading a text file a list of proxies to a free host makes for a much easier and headache free solution. If you don’t know PERL, there is code out there to help you set it up. Check out these sites for more info:


16 June 2012



DVD decrypter
NERO 5.5.10 or above.=Download Nero from torrent

1. Rip the DVD in ISO mode with DVD decrypter to your hard drive.

2. Right click DAEMON TOOLS icon on your desktop
  • Then virtual cd/dvd ROM
  • Device 0 [k] no media
  • Mount Image - ISO file

3. Make a main folder name it as MOVIE  on your desktop.
  • Make 2 sub-folders in it VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS

4. Open DVD2ONE.
  • Choose movie only or entire disc.
  • Source - drive you mounted in step 2 (VIDEO_TS)
  • Destination - VIDEO_TS folder you created in step 3.
  • Click Start.

5.On DAEMON TOOLS - Unmount the drive you made in step 2.You can now delete the ISO file to save disc space

6. open NERO.
  • On Close wizard select New Compilation DVD.
  • On Left Column DVDROM/UDF/ISO .
  • check No Multisession. 
  • UHF check Force DVD compatibility (required for x box).Label ( NAME OF MOVIE ) in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Click New.Drag over the VIDEO_TS FOLDER and AUDIO_TS folder you made.
  • Click BURN.
NOTE:- I don't know much about x-box because i don't use it.

thank you :)


The best firewall is a hardware firewall that is completely separate from your operating system. It DID not be a dedicated router, could be an old Pentium box running Linux.
Brief Description:-
floppyfw is a router with the advanced firewall-capabilities in Linux that fits on one single floppy disc.
Access lists, IP-masquerading (Network Address Translation), connection tracked packet filtering and (quite) advanced routing. Package for traffic shaping is also available.
Requires only a 386sx or better with two network interface cards, a 1.44MB floppy drive and 12MByte of RAM ( for less than 12M and no FPU, use the 1.0 series, which will stay maintained. )
Very simple packaging system. Is used for editors, PPP, VPN, traffic shaping and whatever comes up. (now this is looking even more like LRP (may it rest in peace) but floppyfw is not a fork.)
Logging through klogd/syslogd, both local and remote.
Serial support for console over serial port.
DHCP server and DNS cache for internal networks.

Sentry Firewall CD-ROM is a Linux-based bootable CDROM suitable for use as an inexpensive and easy to maintain firewall, server, or IDS(Intrusion Detection System) Node.
The system is designed to be immediately configurable for a variety of different operating environments via a configuration file located on a floppy disk, a local hard drive, and/or a network via HTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, or SCP.
The Sentry Firewall CD is a complete Linux system that runs off of an initial ramdisk, much like a floppy-based system, and a CD. The default kernel is a current 2.4.x series kernel with various Netfilter patches applied. An OpenWall-patched current 2.2.x kernel is also available on the CD.
ooting from the CDROM is a fairly familiar process. The BIOS execs the bootloader(Syslinux) - which then displays a bootprompt and loads the kernel and ramdisk into memory. Once the kernel is running, the ramdisk is then mounted as root(/). At this point our configuration scripts are run(written in perl) that configure the rest of the system. It is the job of these configure scripts to put the various startup and system files into the proper location using either what is declared in the configuration file(sentry.conf) or the system defaults located in the /etc/default directory.
Most of the critical files used at boot time can be replaced with your own copy when declared in the configuration file. This is essentially how we allow the user to configure the system using his/her own configuration and in it files.

All of the binaries, files, scripts, etc, used to create the CD-ROM are also available on the CD-ROM. So, with a little practice, you can easily build and customize your own bootable Sentry Firewall CD.

thank you :)


HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol.
The term HyperText was coined by Ted Nelson who in turn was inspired by Vannevar Bush's microfilm-based "memex". Tim Berners-Lee first proposed the "WorldWideWeb" project — now known as the World Wide Web.
Berners-Lee and his team are credited with inventing the original HTTP along with HTML and the associated technology for a web server and a text-based web browser.The first version of the protocol had only one method, namely GET, which would request a page from a server.The response from the server was always an HTML page.

HTTP defines nine methods indicating the desired action to be performed on the identified resource. What this resource represents, whether pre-existing data or data that is generated dynamically, depends on the implementation of the server. Often, the resource corresponds to a file or the output of an executable residing on the server.

    Asks for the response identical to the one that would correspond to a GET request, but without the response body. This is useful for retrieving meta-information written in response headers, without having to transport the entire content.

    Requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data and should have no other effect.The W3C has published guidance principles on this distinction, saying, "Web application design should be informed by the above principles, but also by the relevant limitations."

    Submits data to be processed to the identified resource. The data is included in the body of the request. This may result in the creation of a new resource or the updates of existing resources or both.

    Uploads a representation of the specified resource.

    Deletes the specified resource.

    Echoes back the received request, so that a client can see what changes or additions have been made by intermediate servers.

    Returns the HTTP methods that the server supports for specified URL. This can be used to check the functionality of a web server by requesting '*' instead of a specific resource.

    Converts the request connection to a transparent TCP/IP tunnel, usually to facilitate SSL-encrypted communication (HTTPS) through an unencrypted HTTP proxy.

    Is used to apply partial modifications to a resource.

HTTP servers are required to implement at least the GET and HEAD methods and, whenever possible, also the OPTIONS method.

Some methods are defined as safe, which means they are intended only for information retrieval and should not change the state of the server. In other words, they should not have side effects, beyond relatively harmless effects.


Methods PUT and DELETE are defined to be idempotent, meaning that multiple identical requests should have the same effect as a single request Methods GET, HEAD, OPTIONS and TRACE, being prescribed as safe, should also be idempotent, as HTTP is a stateless protocol.


NOTE:- this short introduction is taken from Wikipedia and just short introduction if you are interested in knowing this in deep click here.

thank you :)


Continue:-  This means that the server has received the request headers, and that the client should proceed to send the request body .If the request body is large, sending it to a server when a request has already been rejected based upon inappropriate headers is inefficient.
Switching Protocols:- This means the requester has asked the server to switch protocols and the server is acknowledging that it will do so.             
Processing:- This code indicates that the server has received and is processing the request, but no response is available yet.
OK:- Standard response for successful HTTP requests. The actual response will depend on the request method used.
Created:- The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created.           
Accepted:- The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
Non-Authoritative Information (since HTTP/1.1):- The server successfully processed the request, but is returning information that may be from another source.
No Content:- The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content.
Reset Content:- The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content.                      
Partial Content:- The server is delivering only part of the resource due to a range header sent by the client.
Multi-Status:- The message body that follows is an XML message and can contain a number of separate response codes, depending on how many sub-requests were made.
Already Reported:- The members of a DAV binding have already been enumerated in a previous reply to this request, and are not being included again.
IM Used:- The server has fulfilled a GET request for the resource, and the response is a representation of the result of one or more instance-manipulations applied to the current instance.
Multiple Choices:- Indicates multiple options for the resource that the client may follow.
Moved Permanently:- This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI.
Found:- This is an example of industry practice contradicting the standard.
See other:- The response to the request can be found under another URI using a GET method.
Not Modified:- Indicates the resource has not been modified since last requested.
Use Proxy:- Many HTTP clients (such as Mozilla and Internet Explorer) do not correctly handle responses with this status code, primarily for security reasons.
Switch Proxy:- No longer used.
Temporary Redirect:- In this case, the request should be repeated with another URI; however, future requests can still use the original URI.      
Permanent Redirect:-The request, and all future requests should be repeated using another URI
Bad Request:- The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
Unauthorized:- Similar to 403 Forbidden, but specifically for use when authentication is possible but has failed or not yet been provided.
Payment Required:- Reserved for future use.
Forbidden:-The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it.
Not Found:- The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.
Method Not Allowed:- A request was made of a resource using a request method not supported by that resource.
Not Acceptable:- The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.
Proxy Authentication Required:- The client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.
Request Timeout:- The server timed out waiting for the request.
Conflict:- Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request.
Gone:- Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again.
Length Required:- The request did not specify the length of its content, which is required by the requested resource.
Precondition Failed:- The server does not meet one of the preconditions that the requester put on the request.
Request Entity Too Large:- The request is larger than the server is willing or able to process
Request-URI Too Long:- The URI provided was too long for the server to process.
Unsupported Media Type:- The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does not support.
Requested Range Not Satisfiable:- The client has asked for a portion of the file, but the server cannot supply that portion.
Expectation Failed:- The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
I'm a teapot:- This code was defined in 1998 as one of the traditional IETF April Fools' jokes, in RFC 2324, Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol, and is not expected to be implemented by actual HTTP servers. However, known implementations do exist.
Enhance Your Calm (Twitter):- Returned by the Twitter Search and Trends API when the client is being rate limited.
Unprocessable Entity:- The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.
Locked:- The resource that is being accessed is locked.
Failed Dependency:- The request failed due to failure of a previous request.
Method Failure:-Indicates the method was not executed on a particular resource within its scope because some part of the method's execution failed causing the entire method to be aborted.
Unordered Collection:- Defined in drafts of "WebDAV Advanced Collections Protocol" but not present in "Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Ordered Collections Protocol"
Upgrade Required:- The client should switch to a different protocol such as TLS/1.0.
Precondition Required:- The origin server requires the request to be conditional.
Too Many Requests:- The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.
Request Header Fields Too Large:- The server is unwilling to process the request because either an individual header field, or all the header fields collectively, are too large.
No Response:- Used in Nginx logs to indicate that the server has returned no information to the client and closed the connection.
Retry With:- A Microsoft extension. The request should be retried after performing the appropriate action
Blocked by Windows Parental Controls:- A Microsoft extension. This error is given when Windows Parental Controls are turned on and are blocking access to the given webpage.
Unavailable For Legal Reasons:- Defined in the internet draft "A New HTTP Status Code for Legally-restricted Resources”,Intended to be used when resource access is denied for legal reasons,
Client Closed Request:- Used in Nginx logs to indicate when the connection has been closed by client while the server is still processing its request, making server unable to send a status code back.
Internal Server Error:- A generic error message, given when no more specific message is suitable.
Not Implemented:- The server either does not recognise the request method, or it lacks the ability to fulfill the request.
Bad Gateway:- The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server
Service Unavailable:- The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance).
Gateway Timeout:- The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.
HTTP Version Not Supported:- The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.
Variant Also Negotiates:- Transparent content negotiation for the request results in a circular reference.
Insufficient Storage:- The server is unable to store the representation needed to complete the request.
Loop Detected:- The server detected an infinite loop while processing the request.
Bandwidth Limit Exceeded:- This status code, while used by many servers, is not specified in any RFCs.
Not Extended:- Further extensions to the request are required for the server to fulfill it.   
Network Authentication Required:- The client needs to authenticate to gain network access. Intended for use by intercepting proxies used to control access to the network.
Network read timeout error:- This status code is not specified in any RFCs, but is used by Microsoft Corp.
Network connect timeout error:-This status code is not specified in any RFCs, but is used by Microsoft Corp.

Thank you :)