23 June 2012


Tools needed:

1. Alcohol 120%
2. UltraISO
3. Operating system.
3. Small piece of cotton.
4. Dry cleaner paper.
5. oil and water/toothpaste

Preparing the CD:-

Get the cotton and drop of water/toothpaste , start cleaning vertically the surface of CD.
Do it 3 times and dry the water/toothpaste with a piece of dry cleaner paper. With a new piece
of cotton, drop some oil and start to wet the surface like you are
washing the CD with the oil. Dry carefully now. Some particles of oil will stay on the
micro-surface of the scratch. It's okay. Seems the oil helps the laser of the CD/DVD driver
to read the surface again. Sure this will work with small unreadable scratches - some hard
scratches loose parts of the surface of the CD where we have data and it's lost forever.
But if it is loosed try anyway. With this tip 80% of the small scratched CD's could be

Testing the CD:-

With Alcohol 120% make an ISO - image making wizard - and lets see if the app can
read the loosed surface. In my case Alcohol 120% had recovered 60% of the data.
This is not enough. Have tried other apps, they do not recover all the data. But the
CD/DVD driver laser CAN recover all data in this case.if you find you useful data quickly copy it and burn it onto new CD/DVD.

NOTE:- If you are using water in place of toothpaste please use oil.
and if you are using toothpaste DO NOT USE OIL.this method will not recover all data but it helps you in getting maximum data.

thank you :)

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