18 June 2012



This technique is really a newly powerful way of downloading movies games.
First of all u need to have a big mail box. here are the one which we can cover.

• Gmail (Google mail)
• Storage space - 1GB
• Maximum attachment size - 10MB

• Walla! mail
• Storage space - 1GB
• Maximum attachment size - 7MB

• Spymac Mail
• Storage space - 1GB
• Maximum attachment size - 10MB

• Omnilect Mail
• Storage space - 2GB
• Maximum attachment size - 7MB

Then download the software called peer to mail.
Configuring the software:-

go in settings > SMTP server setting and give an smtp adress that u know.

Here are some smtp serversFor
Gmail: smtp.gmail.com
Walla! mail: mail.walla2.com
Spymac Mail: mail.spymac.com

Once configured you don't need to touch it for the rest of your upload.This is a critical step, if you are experimenting any problem of connetion this is were you need to have a look:

This is possible that temporally your internet provider don't allow you to use other smtp adress than his. So use it
if you are experimenting any problem it is better to deactivate your antivirus (the scanning mail option).

1 - Click on Splint/Send File.
2 - Click on the icon (choose a file to send.....).
3 - select the archive that u want to upload it.
4 - type the address of your account (email).
5 - It determines the size of the parts that the archive will be divided ( take a look at the max size used by your mail).
6 - It determines the type of sending. "send via smtp server"
After all that, press OK.
press the send button on the top.

After all the parts have been sent,go to your account  and confirms, then you have to bring the Encrypted password follows.Always give the following information to the users:
follows the example below:
Email: GMail
Login: zezão
Password: |/kjds42d4sd24 \|

NOTE:-only Encrypted Password, never sends your true password
Be careful  never post your coordinates without having previously verified the content in the mailbox.
sometimes peer2mail tells you that everything is sent but It can happens that nothing is sent.

Downloading games,video etc using email:-
Open peer to mail.
Go to browse tab.
then take the coordinates of the film/game you want to download.

You noticed that the mail used is walla.com
so go to www.walla.com with the adress bar or with the prerecorded website

login with:
"dragon_mushu" & "<(/++EiJPy)>"

Go into the inbox.
After you've retrieve all the segment click on "download".
that's it.

NOTE: walla.com is an example of email,it may changes with users mail.

thank you :)

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