1 June 2012


There are many CPU failure symptoms.
Most of this are follows:
  • Computer shut down due to overheating  and won't start (this symptom is due to failure of heat sink).
  • Computer won't start if you are powering it on (this may also occur due to some dust particle in RAM slot).
  • Computer start without one beep (today's most computer on startup beep ones this means your computer is working properly).
  • Computer CPU gets burned due to overheating or due to overclocking (if this happens user will see smoke coming out of cabinet).
  • Computer CPU won't work due to SPMS/PSU fault or damage.
This are some problems related to CPU failure.if you don't know what is the actual problem then take your Computer to repair shop soon.Remember not to try repairing yourself.

thank you :)

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