18 June 2012



1.) run your telnet program:
on windows , go to START > RUN > "TELNET".

2.) then connect some anonymous server , if don't have any then search for one
NOTE:- you should connect the server mail program (port "25")!
3.) Now , write the following :

Hi there [YOUR FRIEND'S NAME] , this is [NAME OF YOUR FRIEND'S ISP] support team , lately , our server had some problems with the connection and the user-password files were destroyed , a backup was then released , and it was ok.
but yesterday we found out that it is not an updated version of the file , so , it will start charging you for a larger amount of money for each our you use!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To correct the problem ,a special program to correct the error , all YOU have to do is email :
"[**YOUR'S FRIEND'S ISP NAME**]@GalaxyCorp.Com" and in the SUBJECT write your "user name" and "password".

4.) press enter twice and then write "."(without the "") and press ENTER.

Now , the places you saw ** say that maybe you didn't understood it all , So here's a simple example .

[**YOUR FRIEND'S ISP WEBMASTER**] - example , if your friend is connected througe AOL , then type "webmaster@aol.com" , get it?

[**YOUR FRIEND'S EMAIL ADRESS**] - example , if your friend's email is john@aol.com, then type "john@aol.com".

[YOUR FRIEND'S NAME] - if your friend is called "John" then type "John".

[NAME OF YOUR FRIEND'S ISP] - if your friend is connected through AOL(American Online) , then type "American - Online"

"[**YOUR'S FRIEND'S ISP NAME**]@GalaxyCorp.Com" - this is the hard-part , but if you are reading this , then don't worry , you're one step from the end! ..

  • launch your browser and type "HTTP://www.galaxycorp.com".
  • Sign there for an account , now , when they ask you what username you want, then try the closest thing to your ISP name(ex - if your friend is connected thourgh American Online[AOL] then try "aol" or "a_o_l" or "american_online")
  • And when they ask for your email , type your Real one.
  • Now continue in your normal life , and remember to read your email.
NOTE:- I don't know much about this,but it works for my friend.

thank you :)

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