15 June 2012


Sometime it is not possible to format the hard drive.
Frequently user uses windows disk or fdisk to format the hard drive.but in rear cases this windows disk also won't works.
So here a solution to format the hard drive.
1. Create a MSDOS boot disk with Debug

2. At DOS command prompt type the following:
Debug (hit Enter) (enter is to press the enter key once)

NOTE:- Type the following bolded text only. You will receive an error if you type anything other than the bold text. The non-bolded text represents what will appear on you screen once you press Enter after each command.

-F 200 L1000 0 (hit Enter)
-A CS:100 (hit Enter)
xxxx:0100 MOV AX,301 (hit Enter)
xxxx:0103 MOV BX,200 (hit Enter)
xxxx:0106 MOV CX,1 (hit Enter)
xxxx:0109 MOV DX,80 (hit Enter)

NOTE: ( --- "80" for hd0, "81" for hd1) (well i don't know how to know what to use,hd0 or hd1 but try using both one of this will work for your hard drive)

xxxx:010c INT 13 (hit Enter)
xxxx: 010e INT 20 (hit Enter)
xxxx: 0110 (hit Enter)
-G [Enter]
Set "Program terminated normally"

3. Turn off the computer. On the next startup the hard drive will need to be partitioned and formatted.

NOTE:- Be careful in the above codes because in the last two code i.e xxxx: 010eINT 20 and xxxx: 0110 there are space between xxxx:.This debug script is for advanced users only. Its Purpose is to remove all formatting and partitioning information from your hard disk when FDISK is unable to do so. THIS WILL REMOVE ALL DATA AND PROGRAMS FORM THE DRIVE.

thank you :)

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