11 June 2012



Well Telenet and others are PSN's or (Packet Switching Networks) these nets are connected to many other networks around the world.
Lets start with some of the terms that are often used with these services:
Access Number- The direct number that you dial to access a network (DUH).

NUA (Network Users Address) - An NUA is basically a number you type in to access that particular service think of an NUA as a phone number sorta its not an actually phone number with an ACN country code or whatever because the service is connected to the network world wide.hope that was fairly clear let me show this think of the planet earth as an network and  to reach the services on the planet you call the phone number like the service is a persons residence or business phone or payphone whatever just like on a network an NUA is the Address to a system or outdial whatever on the particular network.

NUI (Network User Identification) - An NUI is like a Account and Password to the network like an account and password is to a BBS that lets you access the system.  Some people use NUI for like anything like an Vax system Unix systems they are referring to an NUI as basically a account on the particular system that lets you use the system.

DNIC (Data Network Identification Code) - The DNIC is like a 4 digit code that represents what PSN it is think of an DNIC like an AreaCode and the NUA the individual phone number.

Outdial - Is basically what it says an modem port connected somewhere on the network that will allow you to dial out from and connect data only to a actually phone number not an NUA.

PAD (Packet Assemble Disassembler) - an x.25 pad is very useful an pad using x.25. protocol transmits at 9600 bps to an NUA. This may sound funny but i call them "Launch Pads" like with an x.25 you can usually access any NUA on the planet by usually typing the DNIC+NUA.

TELENET:- The first thing your going to have to have is your Access number it is very easy to get your local access number.  Simply call TELENET at 1-800-TELENET that is thier customer service number and ask for your dial up the operator will ask for your area code and prefix of your phone number he/she will also ask your baud rate.  There are many telenet ports across the country and internationly with varying baud rates from 110 bps  to 9600 so you will want your maximum baud port most locations have atleast 1200 many have 2400 and not alot have 9600 ports like for big cities like Detroit and Los Angeles at the end of the file i will list some useful numbers.
Some things to do while online with Telenet and Tymnet.  While at the Telenet system type "mail" or "C mail" or "telemail" or even "c telemail" this access's telenets mail system simple entitled "Telemail" from there it will ask "user name" or something like that type "phones" next it will prompt you "password" enter "phones".  The phones service has alot of worthy information it will give you a menu to choose from the rest should be self explanatory.  Along with the other information on the phones service there is a complete updated list of all Telenet access numbers which is conveinent.  Once you have tried the phones service also on telemail enter "Intl/Associates" as the user name and "Intl" for the international access numbers.  If you are calling from overseas somewhere connect with an telenet access number then type this NUA at the telenet @ prompt "311020200142" and enter the username and password.
You might want to pick up a sort of a reference booklet on Telenet simply again call the customer service number and ask them for "How to use Telenet's Asychronus Dial Service" and give them your address which is self explanatory.
Another tidbit of info you would like to know if you already didnt know that Telenet is owned by Us Sprint long distance service.

TYMNET:- The same goes for Tymnet service you will first need an Access Number.  Simply call Tymnet customer service at 1-800-872-7654 and ask them.  Again you might like to get Tymnets reference booklet on how to use there system simply again ask them to send it to you.  Once online with a Tymnet access number type "Information" at the user name prompt and you will be connected to another nice thing on tymnet which you have access to all their Access Numbers also just like the "phones" service on Telenet.  Tymnet is owned by "Mcdowell Douglas" corporation.  Unlike Telenet where a long distance company owns the network.  On Tymnet in the "Information" service there is a very cool option that will provide you with all the Dnic's (Networks) available from Tymnet.  You may also want to get that on buffer but for your conveinience.  The file "Basic.NetworksII" is the complete listing.NetworksII file to be accompanied by this file for the most part

OUTDIALS:-  Outdial on Telenet is an Pcp Port usually.  It will enable you to connect data with a carrier.  An Outdial is a modem connected up to the network to access the outdial simply type the outdials Nua.  Usally you will need a NUI or Pad to use an Outdial on Telenet just to let you know.  Once connected to an Outdial on Telenet type "Ctrl-e" to get into the command mode of the Outdial or if your sharp on your Hayes modem AT command set just issue the commands thru the Outdial besure to type "Atz" when logged in to reset the modem parameters to default values.  Outdials range from different baud rates just like what kind of modem is hooked into the Outdial port.  This is the basic Telenet Outdial but there are many types a Tymnet Asychronus is a very good Outdial to use like i said there are many different types the above is for Telenet Pcp Outdials which are used most widely.

NOTE:- This is not everything about networking.This intro is just a beginning and it doesn't have any ending.so keep on studying about it.

thank you :) 

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