20 May 2012


It is caused by various issues like low disk,low ram space,viruses,corrupted files etc.


1) Scan your computer from a legal antivirus also from antimalware.

2) disable startup programs.navigate to START MENU->RUN-> type MSCONFIG->go to STARTUP tab and select the program you want to disable.

3) run a defragmemter for all hard drive partitions.

4) increase the hard drive space by deleting unusual files.
normally computer requires at least 250MBs of free space to boot.
more the hard drive space faster the speed.

5) Add memory (RAM) add some more memory to computer.

6) update the drives,windows of your computer.

7) clean the registry using some software like c-cleaner,reg-cure etc.

8) if all this doesn't work then format and reinstall the OS.

thank you :)

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