20 May 2012


    A missing or corrupt .dll file can be cause by any of the below reasons.
1) Old or other program uninstalled that removes a .dll file that was required by another program or OS.

2) A program was freshly installed but is corrupted and overwrote the better and good file.

3) Corrupted program or virus containing program was installed.

4) Another user deleted mistakenly .dll file.

5) a hardware issue exists with the computer,such as bad hard drive etc

many times its possible to download and instal .dll from net.
To download such .dll file CLICK HERE.

Also sometimes .dll files need to COPY from a particular path
eg:- (if your .dll file is missing from the path "c:/windows/system32" then just download a missing file and past it in the same path again.)

and sometimes it need to instal.

for gamer a minor problem occurs when they start a game.then the simply use to is to instal a graphic driver or Directx (directx should be the latest one).

or if all this doesn't work just try to reinstall the program.

NOTE:- update the computer for better response,also the drivers.
go to nvidia.com or your graphic cards company and download the latest update for your drives.

thank you :)

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