5 May 2012


confliction with TSR or other running program.
software issue.
computer viruses.
memory issue.


before following the below recommendation for troubleshooting your runtime error if you're getting a runtime error with error messages,skip that error additional information and causes for this error.

Confliction with TSR or other running program:-
if you are encountering a runtime error in windows make sure that the issue is not being caused by a third-party or TSR.
if after end tasking all TSRs,you experience the same issue make sure to uninstall and reinstall the software.

Software issue:-
make sure that the software version is not too old.
if so download a new software version and instal it and this will work fine.
if you are not interested in new version kindly get a patch for an existing version or its update.

computer viruses:-
as computer viruses are the main cause of many problems,make sure to scan you computer once in a week.
make sure that the antivirus is up to date.

memory issue:-
finally after all software problems make sure that the hardware i.e memory works fine.
for memory diagnostic use MEMTEST86.

NOTE:- the are many runtime error which are not listed here,but when you start getting this type of errors you'll understand that this is in runtime category.

thank you :)

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