17 May 2012


Lets talk about how to increase hard drive space in windows XP,vista,7

For increasing hard drive space firstly remember that your hard drive won't contain any virus.
There are millions of virus that may lead to such hard drive problem.
Best example about increase in memory space is a MOBIL memory card.
Sometimes when virus attacks memory card it causes lowering the space.

Recently my friends memory card was filled with viruses only not even songs,wallpapers etc,but still his Mobile's memory card space was 16GBs (actually) but due to virus attack it shows only 64kbs.

Like memory card also hard drive get affected after-all its a type of data storage device.

Secondly if your hard drive doesn't contain any virus then there is many unusual file,media etc are stored which you don't like or non of your business,then delete that all.

thirdly use DISK CLEANUP.situated near the start menu.
use DISK DERANGEMENTER which is also situated near start menu.

GO to run command-type "%temp%"
hit enter
and delete all the files there.

Again GO to run command-type "msconfig"
hit enter
and navigate to -START-UP and uncheck the programs you don't want to run at startup.

thank you :)

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