3 May 2012


causes :-
1) software issue or errors
2) hardware issue or errors.
3) heat related issue.
4) computer viruses
5) issue with operating system.


1) software issue or errors: many time we instal new software.sometimes the software doesn't work properly,or won't start.

the error report of that software is saved bye your computer and then every time you try to run that software it gives you the same error and overwrites the old error.and these overwriting of errors requires more space,so the ram sometimes get full due to errors and PC starts hanging.these hanging result in corrupting windows file and your windows crashes.

To avoid this thing make sure to use a latest version of software suitable for your operating system.

2) Hardware issue or errors: these problem mainly occur due to newly instal drives or due to damage drives.

for this make sure are not encountered any hardware problems.
use diagnostic tools.

3) computer viruses: computer viruses are the frequent problems.computer viruses such as BLASTER VIRUS are written to reboot your computer without warning.
usually  these viruses make computer reboot after 5,10,20,15,30 minutes.

To avoid this scan your computer with antiviruses and antimalwares.

4) heat related issue: today's computers are designed to turn off automatically.
if you have heard any abnormal noises coming out from your computer recently such as high squealing this could indicate a fan may be failing in your computer.

first verify  the fan on the power supply is working by examining the back if the computer and seeing if the fan is moving smoothly.similarly verify all fans in computer.

5) issue with operating system: due to  corrupted files in operating system this also happens.
If this happens make sure to format and reinstall the OS.

NOTE:- for memory diagnostic use MEMTEST86.
              for hard drive diagnostic go to the hard drive companies official page and search there for tools.
              here are some of the hard drive companies.

thank you :)

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